core concepts


Builds are the processes that create a Component’s Deployment artifact. They are defined in the Noop Blueprint (blueprint.yaml) for each Application Component.

Each step in the Build process creates a container image, the image from the final step becomes the Service or Task runtime or defines the directory for a Static (the artifact in this case is a collection of static files).

Here’s an example Build for a Static Component:

  - name: StaticApp
    type: static
    image: node:20-alpine
        - copy: package*.json
          destination: ./
        - run: npm ci
        - copy: index.html
        - copy: vite.config.js
        - copy: public/
        - copy: src/
        - run: npm run build
        - directory: dist/

As you can see there are several steps that culminate in producing a dist directory, which includes the static assets for hosting.

Build Schema

The schema for a build definition is a single required steps array property that includes at least one of the following: run, copy, image, test or image.

  • steps (array): Length must be at least 1.
    • Items
      • One of
        • object: Cannot contain additional properties.
          • run (string, required)
        • object: Cannot contain additional properties.
          • test (string, required)
        • object: Cannot contain additional properties.
          • directory (string, required)
        • object: Cannot contain additional properties.
          • copy
            • One of
              • string
              • array: Length must be at least 1.
                • Items (string)
          • destination (string)
          • from (string)
        • object: Cannot contain additional properties.
          • image (string, required)
          • stage (string)

Multi-stage Builds

The image property referenced above makes it possible to configure multi-stage builds. Here’s an example that shows constructing a build using multiple images:

 - name: WebsiteStatic
   type: service
   image: node:20-alpine
        - copy: package*.json
          destination: ./
        - run: npm ci
        - copy: index.html
        - copy: vite.config.js
        - copy: public/
        - copy: src/
        - run: npm run build
        - image: nginx:1-alpine
          stage: nginx
        - copy: dist
          destination: /usr/share/nginx/html/
          from: main
        - copy: nginx.conf
          destination: /etc/nginx
      command: 'nginx -g "daemon off;"'