
March 2, 2024


Workshop is now in public beta: it is free and awesome! Noop Cloud is in preview, sign up from the Desktop app. App boilerplate, Templates, are better than ever. Our Community continues to be a wonderful place.


Workshop Beta

Workshop is now live! Noop Workshop is a free desktop tool that enables developers to build and run any application locally.

In addition to ARM Mac support, the latest version of Desktop also supports Intel Macs.

Not your OS? Download an alternative:

See all releases

For a more complete overview of the launch details, check out the post from last week.

Cloud Preview

In conjunction with the release of Workshop, we’re also opening Cloud to select users. To request access and get on the waitlist, install Noop Desktop and select the Cloud option from the home screen.

Template Upgrades

Part of the goal with the Template Library is to create a collection of Applications outfitted with the appropriate boilerplate to run a production-ready Environment from the start of development — locally and in the Cloud. To that end, we’ve added automatic migrations to all of our existing Templates.

Whether you’re using Django’s migrate or Rails’s db:migrate Noop automatically integrates a migration step into the Deployment process.

The Phoenix Template also got an upgrade to use a multistage Build, making it more consistent with the official deployment instructions, and more performant.

Community FTW

Thanks to everyone that has contributed to our community forum since we launched! It’s been incredibly valuable to have your input as we build the future of developing and launching apps!

More Docs

We added or updated docs pages for:

Everything Else

There’s no way this changelog could possibly represent the amount of work that happened in the past month. Apart from nearly a dozen Desktop releases, we’ve continued to improve the Cloud product, ship fixes to bugs in Workshop and Cloud, and refine how we communicate about what we’re building!